NS TOOL General Catalog Vol.21_cn

D-088 D-089 不等螺旋角 Unequal Helix Angle 不等分割 Unequal Flute Spacing 切削参数参考表 Recommended Milling Conditions MUGEN COATING PREMIUM 4-Flute Long Neck High Efficient "Z" End Mill for Stainless Steels 无限白金涂层 SUS用高效率“Z”长颈铣刀 规格 Size φ1 ~ φ6 MSUSZ440-LN MSUSZ440-LN For machining on stainless steels and heat resistant alloy. Continuous machining from Plunging to slotting Unequal flute spacing and unequal helix angle design 不可进锈 行钢 插・ 铣耐 ~热 沟合 槽金 的加 连工 续用 加工 不等分割和不等螺旋形状 产品代码 Code No. (D)外径 Dia. (ℓ)刃长 Length of Cut (ℓ1)颈长 Under Neck Length (d2)颈径 Neck Dia. (γ)颈角 Neck Taper Angle (d)柄径 Shank Dia. (L)全长 Overall Length 定价(日元) Retail Price 08-00153-01013 1 1.5 3 0.95 12° 4 50 5,400 08-00153-01014 4 0.95 12° 4 50 5,500 08-00153-01015 5 0.95 12° 4 50 5,700 08-00153-01513 1.5 2.3 4.5 1.45 12° 4 50 6,300 08-00153-01514 6 1.45 12° 4 50 6,600 08-00153-01515 7.5 1.45 12° 4 50 6,900 08-00153-02013 2 3 6 1.94 12° 6 50 6,900 08-00153-02014 8 1.94 12° 6 50 7,300 08-00153-02015 10 1.94 12° 6 50 7,600 08-00153-02513 2.5 3.8 7.5 2.4 12° 6 50 6,900 08-00153-02514 10 2.4 12° 6 50 7,400 08-00153-02515 12.5 2.4 12° 6 60 7,900 ★08-00153-03013 3 4.5 9 2.85 12° 6 50 6,900 ★08-00153-03014 12 2.85 12° 6 50 7,300 ★08-00153-03015 15 2.85 12° 6 60 7,600 ★08-00153-03513 3.5 5.3 10.5 3.35 12° 6 50 7,300 ★08-00153-03514 14 3.35 12° 6 60 7,900 ★08-00153-03515 17.5 3.35 12° 6 60 8,400 ★08-00153-04013 4 6 12 3.8 12° 6 50 7,300 ★08-00153-04014 16 3.8 12° 6 60 7,700 ★08-00153-04015 20 3.8 12° 6 60 8,000 ★08-00153-04513 4.5 6.8 13.5 4.3 12° 6 50 7,700 ★08-00153-04514 18 4.3 12° 6 60 8,400 ★08-00153-04515 22.5 4.3 12° 6 60 8,800 ★08-00153-05013 5 7.5 15 4.8 12° 6 50 7,700 ★08-00153-05014 20 4.8 12° 6 60 8,100 ★08-00153-05015 25 4.8 12° 6 60 8,500 ★08-00153-05513 5.5 8.3 16.5 5.3 12° 6 50 8,400 ★08-00153-05514 22 5.3 12° 6 60 9,000 ★08-00153-05515 27.5 5.3 12° 6 60 9,500 ★08-00153-06013 6 9 18 5.8 − 6 60 8,400 ★08-00153-06014 24 5.8 − 6 60 8,800 ★08-00153-06015 30 5.8 − 6 70 9,200 ★ 返修对应(柄长须在15mm以上。详情请咨询本公司。) 请指定MSUSZ440-LN 外径(D)×刃长(ℓ)×颈长(ℓ1)。 ※(γ)为参考值。 When you order, indicate MSUSZ440-LN (D)×(ℓ)×(ℓ1). ※(γ) is reference value. 订购方法 How to Order 单位 [规格:mm/价格:日元] Unit [Size : mm / Retail Price : JPY] 加工材料 Work Material 不锈钢 Stainless Steels SUS304 钛合金 Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V 外 径 Dia. 颈长 Under Neck Length L(颈长)/ D(刃径) L/D 侧面 Side Milling 沟槽 Slotting 插铣 Plunging 侧面 Side Milling 沟槽 Slotting 插铣 Plunging 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed 主轴转速 Spindle Speed 进给速度 Feed min-1 mm/min min-1 mm/min min-1 mm/min min-1 mm/min min-1 mm/min min-1 mm/min 1 3 3 17,00060014,00018014,000 30 15,30060012,60018012,600 30 4 4 15,00045012,00015012,000 20 13,50045010,80015010,800 20 5 5 12,00020010,00011010,000 20 10,800200 9,000110 9,000 20 1.5 4.5 3 12,000650 9,600200 9,600 30 10,800650 8,700200 8,700 30 6 4 10,300 480 8,500 160 8,500 20 9,300 480 7,700 160 7,700 20 7.5 5 8,500 250 7,300 120 7,300 20 7,700 250 6,600 120 6,600 20 2 6 3 9,400 780 8,000 210 8,000 30 8,500 780 7,200 210 7,200 30 8 4 8,000 520 7,200 170 7,200 20 7,200 520 6,500 170 6,500 20 10 5 7,000 280 6,000 140 6,000 20 6,300 280 5,400 140 5,400 20 2.5 7.5 3 7,700 900 6,800 240 6,800 30 7,000 900 6,100 240 6,100 30 10 4 6,500 580 6,100 180 6,100 20 5,900 580 5,500 180 5,500 20 12.5 5 5,800 330 5,200 140 5,200 20 5,200 330 4,700 140 4,700 20 3 9 3 6,500 950 6,200 270 6,200 30 5,900 950 5,600 270 5,600 30 12 4 5,500 650 5,200 200 5,200 20 5,000 650 4,700 200 4,700 20 15 5 5,000 350 4,400 150 4,400 20 4,500 350 4,000 150 4,000 20 3.5 10.5 3 6,000 1,000 5,400 300 5,400 30 5,400 1,000 4,900 300 4,900 30 14 4 5,000 700 4,500 210 4,500 20 4,500 700 4,000 210 4,000 20 17.5 5 4,500 350 3,800 150 3,800 20 4,100 350 3,400 150 3,400 20 4 12 3 5,800 1,050 4,800 300 4,800 30 5,300 1,050 4,300 300 4,300 30 16 4 4,600 700 4,000 210 4,000 20 4,200 700 3,600 210 3,600 20 20 5 4,200 380 3,400 150 3,400 20 6,800 380 3,100 150 3,100 20 4.5 13.5 3 5,600 1,100 4,500 300 4,500 30 5,000 1,100 4,000 300 4,000 30 18 4 4,400 720 3,600 220 3,600 20 4,000 720 3,200 220 3,200 20 22.5 5 4,000 380 3,100 150 3,100 20 3,600 380 2,800 150 2,800 20 5 15 3 5,400 1,100 4,100 300 4,100 30 4,900 1,100 3,700 300 3,700 30 20 4 4,300 720 3,300 220 3,300 20 3,900 720 3,000 220 3,000 20 25 5 3,900 400 2,800 150 2,800 20 3,500 400 2,500 150 2,500 20 5.5 16.5 3 5,100 1,100 3,900 300 3,900 30 4,600 1,100 3,500 300 3,500 30 22 4 4,200 750 3,000 220 3,000 20 3,800 750 2,700 220 2,700 20 27.5 5 3,700 400 2,600 150 2,600 20 3,300 400 2,300 150 2,300 20 6 18 3 4,800 1,100 3,600 300 3,600 30 4,300 1,100 3,200 300 3,200 30 24 4 4,000 750 2,800 220 2,800 20 3,600 750 2,500 220 2,500 20 30 5 3,600 400 2,400 150 2,400 20 3,200 400 2,200 150 2,200 20 切深量 Depth of Cut (D:外径 Dia.) D 1D(L/D≦4) 0.5D(L/D=5) 沟槽 Slotting D 0.5D 插铣 Plunging 刃长 Length of Cut 侧面 Side Milling 0.12D(L/D=3) 0.09D(L/D=4) 0.075D(L/D=5) D 0.5D(L/D=3) 0.35D(L/D=4) 0.25D(L/D=5) 沟槽 Slotting D 0.25D 插铣 Plunging 刃长 Length of Cut 侧面 Side Milling 0.03D(L/D=3) 0.025D(L/D=4) 0.02D(L/D=5) 备 注 Notes ※1 测量刀具长度时请测量子刃。 ※2 请实根际据加机工床时刚请性根和据工加件工的形夹状持、状目态的等以调及整所切用削的参机数床。等调整切削参数。 ※3 请以相同的比率调整主轴转速和进给速度。 ※4 建议使用水溶性切削方式。 ※5 供应冷却液时请尽量增大流量、加高压力,以排出切屑。 ※6 插铣时若排屑不佳,请调整轴向切深量和进给速度。 ※7 排屑不佳可能会导致刀具崩刃和折断,敬请注意。 ※8 建议使用刚性较大的铣刀刀柄和机床。 ※9 请尽量缩短刀具的伸出量。 ※1 Please choose the short end tooth when measure the tool length. ※2 Adjust milling condition conforming with machine rigidity and clamping condition. Final milling conditions are subject to machining profile, purpose and machine status. ※3 Adjust both Spindle Speed and Feed at the same rate. ※4 Water-soluble fluid is recommended. ※5 Please increasing the coolant flow rate and pressure as much as possible, and supply it su ciently to the machining point and flute. ※6 Please change the Depth of Cut or Feed when chips could not remove smoothly during plunging. ※7 Please be noted there would be a possible tool chipping or breakage when the chip removal is insu cient. ※8 Use a rigid and precise machine and chuck holder. ※9 Overhang of end mill should be as short as possible from spindle nose. ●采用不等分割、不等螺旋角和提高刃部刚性的设计,可最大限度地抑制振 刀,实现高效率加工! ●采用新开发的特殊刀刃形状,可实现应对不锈钢侧面加工、沟槽加工、插 铣加工进刀的多种性能。 ●采用耐热性高的无限白金涂层,可进行延长刀具寿命的稳定加工。 ●防止干涉加工材料的长颈型,颈长备有外径的3倍、4倍、5倍可选。 ●Unequal flute spacing, unequal helix angle and high rigid end profile design to minimize chatter realize high e cient machining. ●New developed special edge profile realized multi-functional performance of side milling, slot milling and plunging approaches on stainless steel. ●Optimized high heat-resistance MUGEN COATING PREMIUM to realize stable long time machining. ●Long neck type prevent interference with work material, the Under Neck length lined up with L/D=3 to 5. 40°42° β° α° α° β° 插铣深度参照切削参数表 Plunge depth is refered to recommended milling conditions 共有33种规格 Total 33 sizes 涂层Coating Square 长颈Long Neck Square 涂层Coating 长颈Long Neck 高效率加工 High E cient Milling 高效率加工 High E cient Milling S 耐 钛热 合合 金金 Titanium Alloy Heat Resistant Alloy ◎ S 钛耐 合热 金合金 Titanium Alloy Heat Resistant Alloy◎ M 不锈钢 Stainless Steel ◎ M不锈钢 Stainless Steel ◎ 平 底 平底