PCD Square End Mill
PCD Square End Mill

● Fine and stable milling surface realized on cemented carbide material.
● Possible to get the nano-level surface roughness required on ultra-high precision machining.
● NS original flute design of cutting edge enabled a strong resistance against wear and chipping.
Click here for size variations and recommend milling conditions.


Machining case
Cemented Carbide Connector Model

Work size: 10×10 mm, this is an example of finishing process using PCDSE on cemented carbide.
For details, please check here.
Cemented Carbide SD Card model

Work size: 20×20 mm, this is an example of finishing process using PCDSE on cemented carbide.
For details, please check here.
Cemented Carbide Micro flow channel

Work size: 10×10 mm, this is an example of finishing process using PCDSE on cemented carbide.
For details, please check here.