
DHR237R Tough-Pitch Copper
3° curved surface sample Comparison of cutting surface

Material: Tough-Pitch Copper
Work size: 50 × 50 (mm)
Cutting Depth: 12mm
Total cutting time: 11hr 16min

One piece includes 4 shapes, total two pieces

Unit: mm



●Long neck corner radius end mill specialized for machining copper electrode.
●37.5º helix angle provides both sharpness shearing ability and finishing surface quality, combining the most suitable cutting edge design realizes the higher quality of finishing surface.
●High quality and stable milling performance with long tool life by optimized design and DLC coating.
●Machining copper tungsten electrodes is also effective.

For product details For size variation

Cutting Condition

Process Roughing Semi - Finishing
(Curved Surface R120)
Slotting Contour line Scanning line Scanning line Contour line
Tool DHR237R Φ3×R0.2×12
Machined by one end mill from roughing through finishing.
Spindle speed
1,500 3,000 1,000
Depth of cut
ap0.06 ap0.12
ae0.05 ae0.03 ap0.03
0.03 -
Coolant Water-insoluble fluid
Cutting time
(1 piece)
1hr 6min 4hr 32min


Surface roughness

Measurement position.

1st shape

8th shape

DHR237R can realize no plucking stable surface.

Tool wear

Observant point

DHR237R inhibits wearing progress to achieve continuing stable cutting surface.